Deepen your understanding of scripture and confession
Recommended Podcasts
Rev. Cody is an avid podcast listener to deepen his understanding of doctrine and enrich his pastoral understanding These podcast are carefully selected for those who want to deepen their understanding of scripture and doctrine.
White Horse Inn
Launched in 1990, the White Horse Inn is a listener-supported radio show and podcast named after a pub in Cambridge, England, where the Reformation came to the English-speaking world. This weekly show features regular round-table discussions on faith, culture, and apologetics. Founder and Editor-in-Chief Michael Horton and Producer and Host Shane Rosenthal aim each week to equip Christians to “know what they believe and why they believe it.
KFUO Radio
KFUO Radio is a radio broadcast and podcasts for the faithful Christians, leading you through prayer and devotion.
Extra NOS
Welcome to Extra Nos Academy. This podcast will function as an outlet for unpacking ancient Christianity as preserved through Lutheran thought. The Podcast will address matters of culture, scripture, theology, and the Book of Concord.
Each 1517 Podcast is dedicated to delivering Christ-centered content through weekly, monthly, and seasonal audio platforms. Listen online or on your favorite podcasting app.
Take time to explore the 1517.org website to learn the material that is available. This is a wonderful resource on multiple levels with carefully selected information and resources for all Christians.
Scripture First
Scripture First is from Lutheran House of Studies located in Sioux Falls, SD. These podcasts go through the gospel scripture every week with a small audience and trustworthy professors.
Issues, Etc
Issues, Etc. is a ten-hour weekly syndicated radio talk show and podcast. The program features expert guests, expansive topics, while extolling Christ.
The program is hosted by Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Christianity on Trial
Welcome to Christianity on Trial, where the claims of Christianity are examined and judged by the rules of evidence as used in the court of law.